Stage 2 Rental Law Reforms: What Landlords and Tenants Need to Know

Stage 2 Rental Law Reforms: What Landlords and Tenants Need to Know

by | Sep 17, 2024 | Latest News

The Queensland Government has announced the rollout of the Stage 2 Rental Law Reforms, set to bring significant changes for both landlords and tenants. These reforms will be introduced in two parts, with the first phase commencing on 30 September 2024 and the second phase following on 1 May 2025.

Key Changes from 30 September 2024

Starting from 30 September 2024, landlords will need to comply with new requirements, ensuring smoother and fairer rental processes. One of the most notable changes is the mandate for landlords to offer fee-free rent payment methods. While tenants can still choose alternative payment methods, landlords must disclose any associated costs, ensuring full transparency.

Other important updates include:

  • Bond Claim Procedures: Modifications to the way bonds are claimed, aimed at making the process clearer and more efficient for all parties.
  • Service Charge Billing Deadlines: Landlords will now face deadlines for billing tenants for service charges such as utilities. This is designed to reduce disputes and give tenants more certainty around their rental expenses.
  • Reletting Costs: New calculations will be introduced for reletting costs, offering clearer guidelines for landlords when re-leasing a property.


Upcoming Reforms from 1 May 2025

By 1 May 2025, property managers and landlords will need to adhere to even stricter guidelines. Some of the key changes include:

  • Limitations on Tenant Information Requests: Property managers will face restrictions on the types of personal information they can request from tenants, further protecting tenants’ privacy rights.
  • Extended Entry Notice Periods: The notice periods for property entries will be extended, ensuring tenants have adequate time to prepare for inspections or repairs.


These reforms aim to address the rights and responsibilities of both landlords and tenants within Queensland’s changing rental market.

Need Help Navigating These Changes?

As these reforms take effect, landlords and tenants alike will need to stay informed to ensure compliance and maintain positive rental experiences. Our team at Active Agents is here to help you navigate these changes with ease. For more details or to discuss how these reforms may impact you, contact Tara Bradbury at 1300 141 446.

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